Terms and Conditions of Use

The agreement and terms of use between the business and the market live, once you register for our services
This constitutes your approval of the terms set by the company, so read them very carefully
Importance of opening an account
You must be 18 years old, because the services provided by the company target that age, and subscribing to those under 18 years old is a violation of the agreement and terms of use.
You must provide us with all correct data and information when completing the registration process, including both the phone number and email, which facilitates the process of communicating with you.
Account security
The process of communicating with the market live for website design includes a secure and encrypted process using the Https protocol, which is responsible for protecting personal data sent over the Internet.
In the event that you wish to modify your personal account information, it is necessary to confirm your identity through a phone call or via text messages.
Once you register on the market live website, you will receive an immediate message, including the password for your account, which helps you maintain the confidentiality and security of your information, and the customer bears responsibility for any activity that occurs in his account. In the event of discovering any hacking or unauthorized entry by individuals, we must be notified immediately, and the company is not obligated to pay compensation for losses that occurred through your account.
Customer Rights
We maintain the customer's personal data, and do not allow it to be disclosed to any party except the competent government agencies.
The time it takes to respond to tickets is about five minutes and a maximum of 24 hours.
Our technical support includes servers and network problems, and does not include the content on the site.
Customer data is limited to the process of creating and registering the account, and we are not authorized to sell it to any other party.
Transfer to Souq Live
Souq Live's technical support personnel for website design provide assistance to customers in the process of transferring your site to us, and we provide you with a free transfer service for all our customers, and we cannot specify the time allocated for the transfer process or guarantee the site's operating powers, as there is a difference between each hosting company and the other, as some companies save data and backup copies in a manner that is not consistent with general standards or is done in a customized manner, which leads to great difficulty in transferring, especially in the event of data instability.
We provide the transfer service for free for the first time and it lasts for 30 days from the date of requesting the service, then it becomes paid.
The customer is responsible for confirming the operation of the site after testing it to ensure that it is free of errors.
There are times when we are unable to help the customer in the process of transferring your old hosting.
The market offers a control panel for many domains in many languages ​​​​and supports the Arabic language.
The domain is registered through international companies that provide this service, and the registered domains are not returned, changed or cancelled, and the value of these domains is deducted from the amount paid in the event that the customer retrieves this service.
We remind you of the expiration date of the domain, and the validity period of this service, in order to alert customers of the date of renewal of the domain.
The domain is stopped after exceeding the grace period for renewing the domain, and in the event that it stops working, the site transfers visitors to the default page or displays advertisements to the visitor.
You can obtain the code for the process of transferring the domain registered with us in the company, through the customer's control panel.
There is a grace period for domain renewal which is about 30 days from the renewal date.
You agree and acknowledge that once the domain expires, it will be available for general registration to the domain affiliate company.
We maintain the security of your data, account and domain against unauthorized changes that may occur, and it may be necessary to confirm the customer's identity in order to complete the domain transfer process or any change that occurs in the domain owner's account.
Hosting Services
We, Souq Live, are committed to solving and maintaining problems related to the maintenance of our servers, and our technical support service is paid and includes templates, content management systems, add-ons, and programming codes.
We provide you with a service related to unlimited traffic consumption (bandwidth).
Three Hand Company can stop or block services that are proven to use an IP address illegally such as (SPAM, DDOS attacks)
Shared hosting plans do not include file storage centers and sites.
Torrent software cannot be run on shared hosting plans.
Three Hand has the right to stop all hosting services and sites in the event of scheduled updates or maintenance operations aimed at developing the company's services.
It is prohibited to use scripts such as IRC, Proxy, SSH, Telnet, because they put pressure on the server due to the possibility of a software malfunction in these scripts or as a result of their software nature, and we have the right to delete any software that exhausts the server's resources, or we may ask the customer to remove these software and the service may be blocked.
We provide specific resources for hosting services, and in the event that these resources are exceeded or consumed, the site will be stopped manually or automatically, and in this case you must work to upgrade the hosting plan to suit the site's needs.
You acknowledge and agree that the materials for hosting services are limited due to technological material restrictions, and also due to the difference in the nature of each service from the other, and the user must know that the server technology is able to determine the resources used in the sites, such as (disk space, access speed, memory size and processor).
Bills and Refunds
Dear customer, you can get your money back within 14 days from the date of contracting with us
In the event that the customer is late in paying the dues for services and renewals, the service will be stopped
And the market will not have any means as a result of losing the service data in the event of its suspension.
The process of reserving previously registered domains cannot be cancelled or their value refunded after the activation process, and in the event that the customer wishes to refund the amount, the value of the domains will be deducted from the total amount paid.
General Notice
No refund will be made except

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