Revlon nail enamel, cherries in the snow

$‎ ‍2‍
المتاح: 10 قطعة
360 يوم
السوق لايف
ضمان فعلى حقيقى أطمن أشترى من السوق لايف اسم له تاريخ
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تفاصيل المنتج

About This Item We aim to show you accurate product information
Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here
and we have not verified it
See our disclaimer Revlon Cherries in the Snow Nail Polish gives your nails a vibrant color without the constant chipping
This polish is chip resistant for a longer
more beautiful wear. Revlon nail enamel is also is a formaldehyde- and toluene-free formula and provides a less toxic option for your nail color
Revlon nail enamel, cherries in the snow
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